Aug 2007

Once upon a time
Through a door just down the hall
In a dark, forgotten corner
Of the playroom was a doll.
She was only made of cloth,
A rather simple work of art,
But you could see where someone
Had embroidered her a heart.
It had faded from neglect
And being lonely through the years,
And she couldn't even cry
Because she hadn't any tears.
But then one day as she lay cold
And silent on the floor,
A teddy bear was tossed in
Through the squeaky playroom door.
As she watched him, he got to his feet
And slowly walked her way;
And her little red embroidered heart
Came to life that day.
He gently picked her up,
And as he held her in his arms,
He noticed a faint heartbeat
And certain rag doll charms.
So he took some thread and stitched
A pretty twinkle in her eye
And fixed her sewed-on smile
Which had long-since gone awry.
He brushed away the dust
And cobwebs from her dress
Then taught her about love
In his fuzzy warm caress.
Those two have stayed together
Since that day so long ago;
And when he looks at her today,
He would hardly even know
That his happy little rag doll,
So content and satisfied,
Was the same one he had found
Cast so carelessly aside.
- Written and owned by Sherri Deskins -
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